House Doctors Franchise, Handyman, Home Improvement Franchise, Remodeling Franchise, Franchising Information, Business Opportunity Information, Help For A Small Business, Home Improvement Market News, Housing Market News, Remodeling Market News
The House Doctors franchise program gives would be business owners an easier route to starting a home improvement business than doing it on their own. The home improvement franchise program includes a demographic analysis of your territory, a fast start program that ensures that you have covered all bases before you start and full training in all aspects of running and managing one of these businesses. The program can take anything from 7-12 weeks so you could have your business up and running in as little 2 months.
Steps to starting a House Doctors home improvement franchise
1. Call or email House Doctors
2. Go through our Discovery Process (3-6 weeks)
3. Sign Franchise Agreement and secure territory
4. Initiate Fast Start program and agree training date (4-6 weeks)
5. Classroom training (1 week)
6. Hit the ground running
What makes you a leading handyman franchise? How do you get to be a number one home improvement franchise? Why should our handyman franchise be one of the best? All great questions that we will endeavor to answer when you visit our Corporate Office. The final part of the discovery process that those interested in our franchise go through includes a Discovery Day that we ask prospective franchisees to attend at our Corporate office.
The House Doctors Handyman Franchise Discovery Process
1. Initial contact and overview of concept
2. Complete a brief confidential application to show serious interest
3. Attend a webinar explaining market, customer demographics, concept, marketing, support, national relationships, investment etc.
4. Review FDD
5. Speak with existing franchisees
6. Review your territory
7. Attend Discovery Day to meet your support team
Does an improving real estate market signal more franchise sales. The housing market's fortunes have had a decisive impact on the economy and franchise sales. The National Association of Realtors said on Thursday its Pending Home Sales Index, based on contracts signed last month, rose 0.3 percent to 106.0, the highest reading since April 2010. There are already stories of buyers having to increase offers to secure the property they want. Are we seeing the start of the growth of equity again in the properties we own as prices increase? Will this lead to more secured funding from banks for small business and franchises?
Housing market could again dominate economy
The housing market is again shifting but this time for the better. It is regaining its dominance in the economy.The recovery, fuelled by increasing home prices is being driven by the Federal Reserve's easy monetary policy, which has kept mortgage rates low for record lengths of time.
Mortgage rates did spike last week to their highest level in a year but it is not believed higher borrowing costs would now weaken the housing recovery as it gains momentum.
This could be good news for franchising as home owners see the value of their homes increase. Increased equity usually means more borrowing power and a greater feeling of confidence and net worth for individuals who come looking to buy franchises.
Timing is everything so they say. With the economy looking stronger and the Summer here many people have decided that now is the right time to start their own business. So if the time to take the plunge into business ownership is here why not consider a franchise. Franchising is considered a safer route to starting your own business.
You are not alone if you are considering business ownership. Statistics show that U.S. entrepreneurship has climbed to its highest level in more than a decade.
The percentage of U.S. adults either in the process of starting a business or who already are a new business owner has reached almost 13 percent in 2012 according to the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor U.S. Report released today. That is the highest level of entrepreneurship that the U.S. has seen since 1999 when the rate was 8.4 percent.
Interest in handyman franchise increases
At House Doctors we are seeing this same trend in our numbers. The number of people showing interest in our franchise this year is up by an amazing 20%. The resilience of America is there to be seen. Seems like people have had enough of the doom and gloom and are now taking control of their own destiny and making it happen.
Opportunities! I have been asked what is different about business in America in comparison to the other countries I've lived in, the simple answer is the number of business opportunities here. The size of the market and economy is enormous compared to many other countries around the world. So if you take that fact then add that House Doctors offers a handyman franchise and home improvement franchise in one you can understand how these franchises are of interest to a growing number of entrepreneurs.
Find the world a place of opportunities and possibilities and if you don't, help make it so.
At House Doctors corporate part of our mission is to source addittional revenue generators for our franchisees.
House Doctors started in the 90's as a professional handyman company. Many of the original franchisees did the handyman work themselves. The company and the model have evolved with changing market conditions. This evolution has meant the introduction of new revenue generators and the opening up of many new markets. Our franchisees to day do not swing the hammer but manage teams of handymen who work on the to do lists of busy homeowners. The technicians will do everything from changing a leaky faucet to remodeling a bathroom.
Business opportunities are everywhere
In today's world the internet is a great driver of business opportunity. I came across a new site recently which is dedicated to improving the consumer experience when contacting insurance providers. The site provides free assistance on
filing insurance claims. The founders built the site after several frustrating experiences filing insurance claims. Help and advice on how to file a claim, just wasn’t there.
Starting a business
That's how a lot of businesses start. Someone has a need and then frustrations with the existing service provider. They then decide that they could do better themselves. Think about House Doctors , it was started with the aim of bringing professionalism to the handyman industry. The industry was well known for its unrelaible service.
For more franchise info. please visit
For more info. on House Doctors please visit
Funny what makes the world go round. Depending on where you live you could be chasing survival or success. We are lucky enough to live in a part of the world where success is a real option for many of us. Increase your odds by choosing the right franchise.
Choose the right franchise
I've been involved in franchising since 1988 both as a franchisee and a franchisor. I've done a trip around the World, seen a live Panda in China, swam off the Great Barrier Reef, climbed Aires Rock, become a Chief in Fiji, started businesses in 3 countries, met a Hall of Fame entrepreneur and met an Astronaut but I'm still always amazed when I meet a prospective franchisee that has not identified the basic skills needed to help make a particular concept succeed and there is an obvious mis-match.
Match your skills
I've seen franchisees succeed and fail on both sides of the Atlantic.Those who succeed go through the same training and have the same support as those who fail. In most cases it then comes down to the skills that each individual franchisee brings to the table. There are lots of franchises out there, to increase your odds of succeeding make sure that the skills you bring to the table are the skills needed to make the franchise you are buying succeed.
At House Doctors our franchisees have a passion for making home improvements and property maintenance easier for home owners. The House Doctors franchise offers those interested in the exciting home improvement industry the opportunity to build their own business. Now is the time to consider a handyman franchise in this growing market with the aging property and the aging population having greater needs for repairs, maintenance and modifications to their properties thus increasing this already huge market.
Some of the work our franchisees technicians perform
Owning any business can be challenging and risky. Why then is franchising a better bet? Allow me to introduce you to Osmos. Osmos is a unique, fun, video game but when I looked at it I always felt that it also explains the benefits of buying a franchise. Think of the bubble organism you control in the game as your franchise.
The aim of the game Osmos is to propel the single-celled organism called a mote into other smaller motes. Each mote that joins makes the original single-celled organism bigger and stronger. However like business the game has it's ups and downs so beware of colliding with a mote larger than your own. This will result in you being absorbed. That's game over.
The Osmos Effect in business
Osmos gives you a good feel for a phenomenon that occurs when you’re growing a business, but in business it takes several years to experience what it takes just a few minutes to experience in Osmos:
1. At first, challenges seem impossibly big
2. Sooner than you think those challenges become within your grasp
3. Then you look back and the old challenges now seem small.
And on and on and on......
The Osmos Effect in franchising
I’ve seen the Osmos Effect happen many times in franchising both as a franchisee and as a franchisor. As franchisees and franchisor grow, the Osmos Effect” can be experienced in 4 ways:
1. Sales targets that once seemed unachievable, later feel almost too small
2. Business opportunities that felt too much, later we feel guilty because we never followed up
3. Competitors that once seemed like giants, later become insignificant
4. An office that was large, now seems really small.
Each franchisee that joins makes the franchise network bigger and stronger and builds strength in each individual business.
In fact, the Osmos Effect applies to almost every aspect of a growing franchise so it's important for you to gain an appreciation for this phenomenon as early in the process as you can. If you don't you’ll never have the confidence to create your bigger picture visions and growth goals in the first place.
Bill Gates referred to this when he said that “Most people overestimate what they can do in one year and underestimate what they can do in ten years.”
Wheter its a handyman franchise, home improvement franchise or any business. There are many business types out there and just as many reasons why someone would consider owning one. I want to control my own destiny, I'm fed up with the ups and downs of the Corporate world, I would like to build an asset for myself. But why a franchise? In this post I would like to consider a some of the advantages that franchising brings to the table.
With more and more people considering business ownership what advantages do you get if you buy a franchise. Is it really something you should consider? Would it be better for your start up than going on your own?
Statistics show that entrepreneurs starting new businesses on there own can fail at an alarming rate while those starting franchises have a greater chance of success. That's probably why the number of franchises is expected to grow yet again in 2013.
Partnering with a leading franchise can be the right way to go.
At House Doctors the number of prospective franchisees showing interest over the last few months is the most that we have seen in any similar period over the last few years. Franchising is indeed on the rise again.
When you consider what the House Doctors franchise offers would be franchisees you can understand why.
1. a huge growing market 2. a strong Brand 3. a proven step by step business model 4. cost effective lead generation 5. marketing support 6. operational support 7. full training 8. national relationships
Now is the time to consider a home improvement franchise or a handyman franchise. Spring is here and May is National Home Improvement month and a great time to consider a home improvement franchise or handyman franchise. Winter seemed long this year and now their is pent up demand for simple home improvements or repairs as many people have put them off for too long. National Home Improvement month is therefore the ideal time to get a great start with a home improvement franchise or a handyman franchise.
Spring has sprung and summer is just around the corner. It's a time of fresh ideas and new beginnings. As homeowners across the country seek out home improvement and handyman companies who can repair and improve their homes this could be the time to consider a home improvement or handyman franchise.
Advantages of a franchise
Starting a business on your own can be risky, long and tedious. If you want to lower that risk then franchising could be for you. A handyman franchise or a home improvement franchise will provide you with training and support to help you succeed. Although there is a cost involved when you buy a franchise normally you are buying the rights to the trademark and name in a specific area. The franchisor's business model, systems and procedures should help you get up and running quickly saving you time and money. The branding and professional marketing gives you immediate credibility with your potential customers.
Of all the franchises out there a home improvement franchise offers one of the best franchise opportunities for the right individual. Low investment, low overhead, growing industry. House Doctors "whole house" approach offers franchisees endless opportunities in the home improvement market.
Consider a home, then consider the repairs, maintenance and home improvements that will be carried out on it over its lifetime. That's the opportunity with the House Doctors home improvement franchise. This post gives you more information on this home improvement franchise.
Here are some home improvements our franchisees have their technicians do
Many prospective franchisees soon realize the magnitude
of the opportunity with a home improvement franchise when they consider what their technicians can work on...