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Sunday, April 28, 2013

Starting a handyman franchise just got easier

Need help choosing a franchise? Find it difficult to decide which franchise to buy? You are not alone. Franchising has grown so much over the last 10, 20, 30 years according to AskJim.biz (no relation) there are now over 3,000 different franchises to choose from, in about 75 different industries. That's a lot of franchisors and a lot of franchisees and there is no sign of that growth letting up.The International Franchise Association is forecasting growth again in the number of franchisees in 2013.

Summary. Help with finding a franchise.

In this blog posting I will share franchise information by giving you a taste of what we do at House Doctors. This can help you decide not only if we are the right franchise for you but it will also give you some guidance if you are investigating other concepts. Maybe it's because of my background as a former franchisee but although we didn't invent franchising I believe we take it more serious than a lot of other organisations I've come across. This is a big decision for you let's make sure you have the best franchise information available to help you make it the right decision.

Important Franchising Information

First let's look at the franchise business model. Franchising is not immune to changes in the economy but one of the strengths of franchising is it's diversity across so many different industries. No wonder many people faced with career changes from the Corporate world investigate franchising. Despite the financial ups and downs we've seen over the recent years franchising just keeps trundling along.
However with so many options in franchising how do you choose the right franchise?

The International Franchise Association supplies some great information to help you in your search but here are some of my own thoughts.

"In business for yourself but not by yourself" a quote made famous by the legendary Ray Kroc founder of McDonald's Corp. If you've looked at franchising for any length of time you'll have heard that statement a number of times.
It conveys the philosophy behind the true franchising model in 8 simple words.

What "In business for yourself but not by yourself" really means in franchising.

1. Motivated franchisees.
2. A strong franchise business model that gives franchisees access to a Corporate support structure and vision. 
3. Franchisees are not alone when they need to discuss anything.
4. Franchisees work with a partner to build success.

In franchising there are two to tango however a franchise is not a guarantee of success. Even if a good franchisor works hard to put in place the tools for a franchisee to succeed it still will not work if the franchisee does not use those tools because of a lack of standards, strengths or skills needed to run that particular business.

Even the great Ray Kroc had challenges when franchisees didn't maintain the standards that he set. “If I had a brick for every time I’ve repeated the phrase Quality, Service, Cleanliness and Value, I think I’d probably be able to bridge the Atlantic Ocean with them.” —Ray Kroc

It seems common sense that if you go into a restaurant business you would understand the importance of quality, service, cleanliness and value but let's face it everyone has different standards, strengths and skills. Our standards, strengths and skills are gained from our genes, the way we are raised, our environment, our education, the training and coaching we get, our experiences in our life and career. Franchisees bring their standards, strengths and skills to the table as potential franchisees and the challenge is that they must find a franchise where their skills match with the requirements to run that business successfully. Coaching will only take you so far. Visit our franchising site to find our ideal owner.

At House Doctors just like other good franchise companies we make efforts internally to identify the strengths that our most successful franchisees have. 
Companies like House Doctors want every franchisee that comes on board to do well in their system.That's how we build our Brand and succeed as a company.

We take our prospective franchisees through a full discovery process where they get to know us and we get to know them. We share lots of information on our franchise concept and discuss with the prospective franchisee what we are looking for in that process. The prospective franchisee has an opportunity to speak with existing franchisees to get a feel for the role of the franchisee in the business.

We ask prospective franchisees to complete personality profiles so we can compare their strengths with the strengths existing franchisees are already showing.

Finally after all of that if both parties are happy we invite the prospective franchisee to our Corporate Office to meet the support team they will be working with as they launch their new business. All this before either party reaches their decision.

A handyman or home improvement franchise just got easier to find

If you want to learn more please visit our franchising web site.

How do you feel? Is now the time to consider a franchise? Let us guide you through our franchise information gathering process? Please share your thoughts in the comments section below.


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