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Monday, May 12, 2014

Owning a Franchise 101: Important Questions and Answers

If you're thinking about investing in a franchise, you're probably excited by the prospect of getting your own business up and running. However, since this is a major decision, you probably also have a lot of questions that you want answered. The first question many people have is why they should invest in a franchise instead of opening a business on their own. While there are actually quite a few possible answers to that question, the most compelling is that you're going to be using a proven model from Day One. Instead of struggling to get a business on the right track, you're going to have all the resources and support needed to succeed. This greatly increases the odds of seeing a substantial financial return in a timely manner.

How Much Does a Franchise Actually Cost?

Starting any business requires some investment of capital. In the case of a franchise, the specific amount can vary greatly depending on the exact franchise. However, the types of costs associated with owning a franchise are often quite similar. The most common categories are the initial franchise fee, startup costs, ongoing royalty payments and advertising fees. For a House Doctors handyman franchise, you can get a full breakdown of exactly what this investment costs by Contact us

What are the Ongoing Requirements of a Franchise?

It's common for franchises to have controls such as appearance standards and the exact territory where the business can operate. In addition to finding out all the requirements of a franchise, it's also important to get answers to the question of exactly how much ongoing training and support you'll receive as a franchisee.

Are You a Good Fit for a Franchise?

There are quite a few questions you can ask yourself to determine if you're a good fit for a franchise, as well as what type of franchise is going to work best for you. The questions you should ask yourself can be broken down into three primary categories. Those categories are your investment, abilities and goals. When looking at how much you want to invest, ask yourself how much you have available, how much you can lose, what type of credit you have, and how long you can sustain yourself without the business making a profit.

In terms of your abilities, ask yourself what skills you've gained from your career, as well as the type of specialized knowledge and technical abilities you possess. And for your goals, be honest with yourself when you ask how much you want to earn a year, what your professional interests are, how many hours you'll work a week, and whether you prefer to spend most of your time managing employees or interacting directly with customers.

By taking the time to asks lots of questions about specific franchise opportunities, as well as to ask yourself the questions outlined above, you will be able to figure out if a franchise is the right next step for your professional life.

If you think it might be the right next step and want to learn more about a House Doctors franchise, click this:


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