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Friday, October 10, 2014

The Franchise Selection Quiz: All The Questions You Need to Ask Yourself

Not all franchises present the same opportunity. But even for franchises that present a compelling opportunity, it’s not an automatic guarantee that an individual is going to be a successful owner. In order for a franchise owner to flourish, it’s crucial that they bring the right traits to the table.

Before you can get serious about selecting the franchise that’s best for you, it’s vital to take a long look at your own skills. Once you have a complete assessment of yourself, you’ll be able to determine if a specific franchise you’re evaluating is truly a good fit.

To help you go through the process of evaluating yourself, we’ve put together a quiz that’s divided into three main categories:

What’s Your Financial Situation?

The first set of questions you need to ask yourself is related to money. Specifically, how much you can invest, the amount you’re comfortable losing and if you’re making this investment by yourself. It’s also important to determine if you’re going to need any type of financing. If you determine that you will need financing, where’s it going to come from? Two other questions worth answering are if your credit is good, and how you plan to support yourself during the startup stage of your franchise.

What’s Your Specific Skillset?

The second set of questions has to do with the skills you’ve developed over the course of your professional life. It’s worth making a detailed list of the technical experience you’ve accumulated, as well as the specific skills you’ve used most often. The same goes for taking stock of the education you’ve had. That should include professional training.

Another area where you should spend some time thinking in-depth is what kind of management and leadership experience you’ve developed. If you’ve previously owned a business, that’s a major factor that should influence which franchise you choose. While you’re going to need to be actively involved, this type of advanced experience means you will likely want a franchise that puts you in a similar role.

What Are Your Goals?

The last set of questions is centered around the goals you have for your business. The first thing you need to ask yourself is if there’s a specific annual income you want to reach. Second, think about if there are one or more specific fields that appeal to you the most. Third, ask yourself how many hours you want to work each week. As part of this same question, it’s important to visualize the type of lifestyle you want to create for yourself. Another related question is how long you picture yourself running the same business. Finally, consider whether you want to stick with one location, or have aspirations to expand to multiple areas.

The easiest way to find out if House Doctors is the right fit for what you’re looking for in a franchise is to get more information from us by calling 1-888-598-5297 or click the button below:


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